Manolo Jewelry » BRB


By La Petite Acadienne

As you read this, I am at my company’s annual “team-building” staff meeting.

So, while my brain is rendered into mush from an overload of corporate-speak, I leave you with beautiful pleasures for the eyes and for the ears.

First, Harry Winston’s diamond wave bracelet:

And for the ears? Mumford & Sons — The Cave

Enjoy, and see you in a couple of days!



3 Responses to “BRB”

  1. jane2 Says:

    I love both…bought the CD, but will have to wait a payday or 23847 for the bracelet.

  2. Glinda Says:

    Love Mumford & Sons. Annoyed they aren’t playing anywhere near here anytime soon.

  3. La Petite Acadienne Says:

    A coworker turned me on to them a couple of months ago — I’m a sucker for anything with a banjo and spiraling harmonies.

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