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Archive for the 'Housekeeping' Category

La Petite Acadienne’s Reality-Based Chrismakwanzikah

Saturday, November 27th, 2010
By La Petite Acadienne

Aaaaannnnnnddddd….back to Earth.

That was fun, wasn’t it?

Sure, I’d love to get all of those ridiculously lovely and extravagant gifts (from my prior post) for Christmas.  Will I? Heck, no. Am I upset about that? Of course not — hence the word “fantasy” in the title.  I’d also love to have a flat belly, a high, round bum, and the skin that I had at age 16. But some stuff just isn’t going to happen, and to be upset over it would be beyond silly.

However, the fun thing about the holidays is that there are all kinds of lovely and fun things to buy for others and to covet for yourself, at most every price point. So you can still have lots of fun wishing and hoping and giving, and in some ways, it’s even MORE fun, because these gifts can ACTUALLY happen!  So, without further ado, here’s my more realistic list of things that would be just delightful to find under one’s tree:

1. A pearl pendant necklace.

I adore the sheen and luminosity of pearls, but a full pearl strand is a little too buttoned-up for my current tastes. This necklace is less formal, but is still very elegant. And the chain, being rose and yellow gold, and silver, makes it a very versatile piece that can be worn with just about anything and worn by just about anybody, from you to your mother-in-law to your sister.

2.  Colourful little earrings

These are subtle and sweet, but add a nice pop of colour. And I love the shape: girly, but not twee. A perfect gift for your teenage niece, or for yourself as a reward for checking off your list!

3.  A pretty scarf.

My name is La Petite Acadienne, and I have a scarf addiction. It started out innocently enough, with just the odd scarf here or there, but now it’s starting to take over my life. I have some scarves that only go with one item of clothing in my closet. I do NOT, however, own an orange scarf. And I love orange. So I can TOTALLY justify adding this to my collection, right? Right? And if not, I know my mom would love it, and then I can borrow it!  Win-win!

4. A useful book.

If, like me, you thought that cleavage and girdles were something you only see in the mirror, then wouldn’t it be nice to have this handy-dandy reference book that gives you a nice overview of various gemstones, their characteristics and how to identify them? This is one of those books that I think most anybody would at least find interesting at worst, and utterly fascinating at best.

5.  I still want my housekeeper.

6.  Stuff that smells good.

I have absurdly thick hair. Seriously. Any time I’ve been to a new stylist, I can pretty much guarantee that in the first 30 seconds of the shampoo, I will hear the phrase,  “You have a LOT of hair.”  It goes without saying that my hair tends to take up a lot of room on this Earth. Anything that can make it less large is great. Anything that can make it less large AND make it smell so good that I want to spend all day with my ponytail in front of my nose? Even better. And this stuff definitely fits the bill. I got this stuff for my own sister a few years back. She loved it and used every single drop.

7. A funky little bracelet.
Monserat de Lucca Charm Bracelet

If you know (or are) a lover of all things steampunk, or if you just want something that is not “girly” but not too heavy, then this bracelet is something a little different from anything you may have seen before.

Happy shopping!!!


La Petite Acadienne’s Fantasy Chrismakwanzikah

Friday, November 26th, 2010
By La Petite Acadienne

We all have wish lists, right?

There are wish lists, however, and there are wish lists. The former is compiled of things that you would love to receive, and that you might actually receive. (More on that tomorrow…)

The latter is pure and utter pie-in-the-sky fantasy, compiled of things that you would probably only receive if you grew up in the kind of house that has servants’ quarters.

I’m convinced that I really DO have a rich, childless auntie out there who is unbeknownst to me but who has followed my progress since infancy and is just waiting for the right moment to announce herself.

Well, darling auntie, if you’re thinking of popping up this holiday season and are wondering what the perfect little cadeau would be for your darling niece, look no further.

(Note to The Stonecutter: this list also applies to you, if we are someday unencumbered by that little thing called “reality”. Just letting you know.)

1. This gorgeous Giorgio Armani bag.

Dark-sage pleated leather? Well, okay…if you insist, I suppose I could live with it.

2. A black diamond ring.

I love the hammered gold on this ring, and the way that it gives the look of stacked rings without visually shortening the finger. Plus, black diamonds are just neat.

3. Purple Ferragamo flats

I own no purple shoes right now. That is just not right, because purple makes me happy, and pretty shoes make me happy, so pretty purple shoes would be like Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups for my feet  — everything I want, and nothing I don’t.

4. A housekeeper.

I can only pay you in Lego. Is that okay?

Being a working mom with a long commute, it always feels like we are falling behind on the housework, particularly where The Stonecutter works 50 hours a week AND has a side business on the go.  I’m pretty good at tidying and keeping things organized, but please, please do not look closely at my tile grout. I would luuuuurrrrve for someone to do those icky but necessary jobs for me, like cleaning out the fridge, scrubbing the tile, cleaning the light fixtures, and all of the other jobs that are on my “I’ll Get To It…Sometime” list.

5. A vintage Chanel charm bracelet.

I love charm bracelets. My mom had one (I have no idea what she’s done with it, however, and did not want to ask for fear of appearing grasping). This one is just lovely.

6. A new car

They see me rollin';, they hatin';...

My aforementioned long commute means that my vehicle has seen better days. I would love to have something bigger, to more easily accommodate the Gigantic Car-seat of Awesomeness, plus all of the other assorted detritus that comes with having a young toddler. I would also like to have some bells, whistles, fireworks, fripperies, and doo-dads.  I think the Lexus RX 450h (“h” for hybrid) would fit the bill rather nicely.

7. This

Sunset by Harry Winston, Padparadscha and Diamond Necklace

When I saw this necklace, I just had to write about it. Actually, first I had to regain consciousness and pick myself off the floor, where I had been laying in a puddle of my own drool. And THEN I had to write about it.

May you all have a very sparkly holiday season!



Greetings and Salutations!

Thursday, October 28th, 2010
By La Petite Acadienne

/tap tap

Is this thing on?

Ahem…um, hi.

I am La Petite Acadienne. Some of you long-timers have likely seen me around, commenting on the many brilliant and witty posts by The Manolo and his equally brilliant associates.

And for reasons I don’t fully understand, they’ve given me a set of keys to the place. So here I am, toothbrush in hand with the aim of not completely embarrassing myself.

It helps that I’ll be writing about something I’ve loved since I was a little girl. No, not Cadbury Creme Eggs (although one COULD probably write an entire blog on those).

Jewelry. The sparkly, the glowing, the luminescent — those bits and baubles that elevate an ourfit and elevate our moods.

Jewelry has power. It can completely transform the mood and feel of an outfit (a concept I plan on exploring in future posts.)

Am I an expert on jewelry? Nope. I love it, I love looking at it, and I’d love to buy more of it (or have it bought for me). I will not, however, be putting the fine people at Christie’s out of a job anytime soon. I do plan on learning as I go (you should SEE the list of books I’ve jotted down– my family definitely has no doubts as to what to get me for Christmas, needless to say), and am looking forward to passing along what I learn. We’re all on this sparkly ride together, and I’m sure that you fine people also have great wisdom and knowledge to share.

So…off we go!

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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      Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Mr. Manolo Blahnik. This website is not affiliated in any way with Mr. Manolo Blahnik, any products bearing the federally registered trademarks MANOlO速, BlAHNIK速 or MANOlO BlAHNIK速, or any licensee of said federally registered trademarks. The views expressed on this website are solely those of the author.